i cannot commit suicide with you and this planet . もう つきあいきれねえよ...。
filled with a feeling of regret , tonose tries to commit suicide with konami . 戸無瀬は申し訳なさに小浪ともども自害しようとする。
koharu said , ' i made a promise to commit suicide with my regular customer , jihe , but , to tell the truth , i don ' t want to die .' 小春は「馴染み客の治兵衛と心中する約束をしているのだが、本当は死にたくない。
enshin and norisuke immediately escaped to otokoyama , where enshin was believed to have told his servant that he would commit suicide with his sword . 円心と則祐は、急ぎ男山まで逃れたがここで円心は自刃すると従者に告げたと言われている。
a person who did it was jihe who carried a short sword to commit suicide with koharu , and came to kawasho secretly without being spotted by staff at the shop . それは小春と心中する為に脇差を携え、店の人々の監視を掻い潜りながらこっそり河庄に来た治兵衛だった。